
Description: North-West NSW investment motel. 15yr lease in place. Very strong trading property. Quality inspection.
AAA Rating: 3½ star.
Construction: Brick & tile, single level with brick partitions. Very sound building. Well presented units include 10 x executive, 7 x twin plus 4 x family units with separate bedroom.
Residence: 2 bedroom with built-ins, private kitchen, lounge/dining, office, bathroom & carport. Conveniently located close to reception.
Age: 1981
Clientele: Very strong repeat rep + worker trade. Some passing & tourist trade.
Land Area: 1.5 acres.
Tariffs: Single $94; Double $94; Twin $104; Family $99; Extra Person $12
Chain Affiliation: Yes
Lease: Expires 2033. Rent: $10,587.50 per month incl GST
Laundry: Domestic equipment, linen hired - slips & face washers owned.
Restaurant: 55 seat. Licensed bar.
Services: Room service, in-ground pool undercover parking, fire rated, full commercial equipment.
Turnover: 08/09 $574,278
Occupancy: 63% approx.
Comment: Attractive well appointed Motor Inn in very strong rural centre - New England area. Owner has spend in the vicinity of $500,000 over the last 36 months on upgrading and maintenance. The property is a delightful inspection.

  • Suburb  
  • Region New England - North West
  • Property Type Accommodation/Tourism
  • Status For Sale
  • Property ID 1071873