
Description: North Coast resort. Absolute water front. Large acreage. Highway exposure. Suit couple, passing trade plus bus groups. Incredible facilities.
AAA Rating: 3½ star
Construction: Brick & tile all single level. Concrete slab foundations with brick partitions. Variation of room sizes in delightfully appointed units. Owner is continuing to upgrade.
Residence: 3BR with built-ins and ensuite. Own kitchen, lounge, dining, bath, room for private yard, lock up garage. Near new separate house built 1997.
Age: Varied 1980 through to mid 90's.
Clientele: Rep & tourist, passing trade, bus groups.
Land Area: 14 acres approx.
Tariffs: Single $105; Double $115 - $127; Spa $179; Extra Person $15.
Chain Affiliation: Yes.
Lease: No
Laundry: Full commercial. Linen as new. 2 ½ changes. All owned.
Restaurant: 120 seat. Separate bar.
Services: Room service, BBQ, inground pool, playground, deep water frontage.
Turnover: $430,700 2006/2007
Occupancy: 52%
Comment: Congratulations to the owners for the excellent condition this large complex is maintained and presented. A great inspection - must be seen to be appreciated. Ideal family operation.

  • Suburb  
  • Region Mid North Coast
  • Property Type Accommodation/Tourism
  • Status For Sale
  • Property ID 3079518